Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Legia continuously the second

Mirosław Drożdż


04.12.2005 01:40

(akt. 26.12.2018 23:36)

In the 16th round of Orange Ekstraklasa Legia Warszawa defeated Arka Gdynia 2:0. There was the seventh victory one by one. By this result Legia has still the secon position in the league table with the same amount of points as the leader Wisła Kraków. But also seven points more than the third team Amica Wronki.
The first goal was shot at the beginning of second half by the youngest Legia's player Dawid Janczyk. Funs must wait 30 minutes long for next goal. On 79 minutes Tomasz Sokołowski has been inscribed on list of archer of goal. It was his first league goal for Legia. The result has not underwent change to the end of the match. Legia - Fabiański - Szala, Choto (80' Magiera), Rzeźniczak, Kiełbowicz, Karwan, Rosłoń, Burkhardt, Szałachowski (75' Sokołowski), Włodarczyk, Janczyk (84' Chmiest) Arka - Witkowski - Kowalski, Kościelniak, Griszczenko (60' Wróblewski), Gorząd, Jakosz, Jawny, Niciński (60' Pilch), Majda, Bartoszewicz, Moskalewicz


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