Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Legia players support Lance Armstrong’s Foundation

Adam Dawidziuk

Źródło: Przegląd Sportowy

08.02.2005 00:26

(akt. 29.12.2018 18:48)

Legia forward, <b>Marek Saganowski</b> started wearing a yellow “LiveStrong” wristband. It is the name of the foundation established by cancer survivor and cycling champion <b>Lance Armstrong</b> to enhance the quality of life of young cancer patients and their families. Maciej Korzym and Marcin Rosłon have also offered their support.
- As far as I know, there were two million bands manufactured at the beginning, and by now twenty millions have been sold. Their cost one Euro. A well spent Euro - claims Saganowski. It is great that more and more Legia footballers take part in various charity actions. It means that they are not only good players, but also generous-hearted persons.


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