Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Boruc close to Bhoys deal

Joanna Oledzka

Źródło: Przegląd Sportowy

29.06.2005 20:12

(akt. 28.12.2018 09:50)

Legia sports director <b>Jacek Bednarz</b> is convinced about the transfer of <b>Artur Boruc</b> to Celtic Glasgow. - <b>Anti Niemi</b> remains number one among the potential goalkeepers, but he is already 33-year-old and would cost 2,5 million Euro. Such price is unacceptable since this acquisition is not going to pay for itself. And Artur is young, only 25-year-old and his transfer fee amounts to 1,5 million Euro. I think that Celtic will soon decide to sign Boruc.


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