Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Boruc in West Ham?

Joanna Oledzka

Źródło: Przegląd Sportowy

30.05.2005 14:01

(akt. 28.12.2018 16:28)

West Ham are interested in signing <b>Artur Boruc</b>. Legia goalkeeper would join the English side on condition that the Hammers are promoted to the Premiership. This will turn out in Monday's Championship play-off final at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff where West Ham meet Preston. Boruc was observed during the match against Wisla Krakow by the Czech coach of the WHU goalkeepers <b>Ludek Miklosko</b>. The Polish goalie hesitates, but if the Hammers win today, he may say "yes".


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