Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Boruc rejects Hertha's offer

Joanna TESTowa


11.01.2005 22:43

(akt. 30.12.2018 03:38)

Several days ago <b>Artur Boruc</b>, Legia Warszawa goalkeeper, rejected the offer of the ex-employer of another Legia player - <b>Bartosz Karwan</b> - the German Bundesliga club, Hertha Berlin. The club, being in urgent need of the goalie, wanted to sign a contract with the Poland international straightaway, but heard a definite "No". – And what am I to do if he loves Legia so much. But no worry, we’ll find something form him. Nothing by force – said the player’s manager, <b>Radosław Osuch</b>.
- I had too little time to think it over - said Artur. – Besides, I couldn’t leave Legia in the lurch – he added.


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