Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Disappointing draw

Joanna Oledzka


20.03.2005 14:05

(akt. 29.12.2018 08:32)

Following a second match of the spring season, Legia moved down to third and, with seven points behind the leader, seem to be definitely out of the title hunt. And the beginning of the Saturday's meeting against Amica Wronki gave the home side hopes that they could reduce this gap as already on 11 minutes <b>Marek Saganowski</b> took the penalty kick and gave Legia the 1:0 lead.
Amica proved to be equal opponent, producing one attacking wave after another, but their efforts still were fruitless. On 53 minutes Legia were awarded the second penalty, but this time Saganowski missed. The same footballer did not manage to place the ball in the empty net on 89 minutes. Unfortunately, Legia defensive wall was not as defensive as in the last games. On the third minute of the extra time, Artur Boruc, who impressed the supporters with a series of tremendous saves throughout the entire match, allowed Pawel Kryszalowicz to beat him at his far post. Legia Warszawa - Amica Wronki 1:1 (1:0) 1:0 Marek Saganowski (k.) 11' 1:1 Pawel Kryszalowicz 90+3' Legia Warszawa: Artur Boruc - Tomasz Sokolowski II, Jakub Rzezniczak, Wojciech Szala, Tomasz Kielbowicz, Lukasz Surma, Aleksandar Vukovic, Marcin Smolinski (67' Rosłon), Bartosz Karwan (72' Sokolowski I), Piotr Wlodarczyk (82' Zjawinski), Marek Saganowski Amica Wronki: Arkadiusz Malarz - Jaroslaw Bieniuk, Maris Smirnovs, Pawel Skrzypek, Dariusz Dudka, Jaroslav Simr (90' F. Burkhardt), Mateusz Bartczak, Marcin Burkhardt, Rafał Murawski (65' Kryszalowicz), Karol Gregorek (65' Banaczek), Jacek Dembinski


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