Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Internal game instead of a friendly

Adam Dawidziuk


24.01.2005 22:42

(akt. 29.12.2018 22:36)

Legia was to play the friendly match against Baltyk Gdynia on Sunday, but finally the coach ordered the internal game. In Cetniewo the “yellow” team defeated the “greens”. Jacek Zielinski simply divided his team into two groups of eleven. The game consisted of two 30-minut halves. The author of the only score was Piotr Wlodarczyk.
Tomasz Jarzebowski, who following the knee injury still has the individual training sessions, observed his team mates from the sideline. Dickson Choto remained in a hotel (suffered minor injury already in Cetniewo). Veselin Djokovic, who fell off one of the training devices and bruised his back, in spite of some problems took part in the match. Artur Boruc’s finger injury still prevents the goalkeeper from saving, but the player appeared in the game in defence. YELLOWS - GREENS 1:0. Goal: Wlodarczyk. Yellows: Fabianski - Rzezniczak, Djokovic, Magiera, Kaczorowski - Sokolowski II, Rosłon, Kowalski, Smolinski - Wlodarczyk, Saganowski. Greens: Krzysztalowicz - Szala, Boruc, Krol, Kielbowicz - Karwan, Surma, Vukovic, Sokolowski I - Zjawinski, Korzym.


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