Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Legia - Lech Poznan 3:0 (2:0)

Joanna Oledzka


08.05.2005 23:13

(akt. 28.12.2018 22:36)

On Saturday, after a series of disappointing matches, Legia played aggressive and effective football from the very first minute. On 9 min. <b>Bartosz Karwan</b> finished off a magnificent action by <b>Wojciech Szala</b> and placed the ball in the net. Seconds later <b>Tomasz Kielbowicz</b>, taking the free kick, defeated the visitors' goalkeeper at the near post and doubled the score. Lech, falling behind to two early goals, was unable to seize initiative.
Lech, falling behind to two early goals, was unable to seize initiative. After the break the result was tripled by the opener's scorer, Bartosz Karwan after a pass from the ex-Lech player, Pawel Kaczorowski. Legia pushed forward for the entire 90 minutes and the visitors were lucky not to return home more severely punished. Bartosz Karwan was chosen the player of the game. Photo coverage 1
Photo coverage 2 Legia - Boruc - Sokolowski II, Szala, Rzezniczak, Kielbowicz, Djokovic (85-Choto), Kaczorowski, Vukovic (70-Smolinski), Magiera, Karwan (78-Sokolowski I), Saganowski Lech - Kotorowski - Kus (22-Topolski), Mowlik, Wojcik, Lasocki, Jakubowski, Favano, Swierczewski, Sasin (60-Zakrzewski), Reiss, Gajtkowski (65-Nawrocik)


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