Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Legia's way to win a title



14.04.2002 19:20

(akt. 01.01.2019 06:33)

Legia as made next step in way to win a title after reaching a draw (0-0) with Amica Wronki. After this game Legia remains the only unbeaten team in Polish Legue and keeps leadership when only 4 series are to play. Game with Amica (2nd in Table) was full of clear situations but nobody scored. Legia failed to take advantage when Sylwester Czereszewki had shot goal in 3 minute of game, but linesman judged offside. In 36 yellow Legia's defender Jacek Magiera'd received second yellow card was punished in red. It has effected the remained time of the game.


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