Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

New players – our opinion

Adam Dawidziuk


24.01.2005 22:24

(akt. 29.12.2018 22:37)

Having observed the new Legia players for over a week, we decided to provide you with a short analysis of the skills presented by the newcomers: Dariusz Zjawinski, Lukasz Fabianski, Krzysztof Krol, Pawel Kaczorowski and Aleksandar Vukovic.
Dariusz Zjawinski – “Zjawa” was brought to Lazienkowska as the “distant future”. He’s a dynamic forwarder with great technique, but lacking in strength and stamina. That’s why he has no chance to compete against Piotr Wlodarczyk and Marek Saganowski yet. His situation will get worse if the managers sign the promised good offensive player. Lukasz Fabianski – big talent. Very open as a person, quickly found common language with Artur Boruc and Andrzej Krzysztalowicz, what was clearly visible at the training sessions. Reliable, brave and composed goalkeeper having superb reflexes. Summing up, Legia shouldn’t fear for the position between the goalposts after the potential foreign transfer of Artur Boruc. Krzysztof Krol – “Krolik”, as he is called by the team-mates, is a disappointment for now. He remains on the sidelines both at the trainings and afterwards, communicating almost exclusively with the younger players. Coach, Jacek Zielinski, isn’t delighted with his Krol’s approach, but promised not to resign easily. The player’s presentation in the control games will determine his future. Pawel Kaczorowski – The main problem with this player is his acceptance, or rather its lack, by the supporters. Coach, Jacek Zielinski, is aware of this fact, but claims to need a good right-wing midfielder and Kaczorowski meets his expectations. He presents himself really well at the trainings. Provided that he can establish a communication with Legia fans, he should be a significant reinforcement. Aleksandar Vukovic – “Aco” arrived in Cetniewo after a difficult journey and immediately took part in the exercises. He presented his “trademark”, several wonderful passes, during the internal game. Vuko does not look too well physically, but as he has claimed himself, there should be no evidence of any frailty in two weeks since he trains more than the others. Should he avoid any injury, he will rule in the second line together with Marcin Smolinski.


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