Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Transfer speculations

Adam Dawidziuk


14.01.2005 07:13

(akt. 30.12.2018 02:18)

It will be a spectacular transfer as for the Polish market – promised Legia sports director, <b>Jacek Bednarz</b>. Who may be the target? It remains unknown. Bednarz does not want to reveal even the smallest details. – I can only say that it is an offensive player who will immediately strengthen the basic team. The only thing we don’t know is whether he will come now or in summer – said the director.
We want to put in much money for him, so we have to be sure that it will be a great success – added Bednarz. That’s for the facts. - Is the first league player? - It’s a secret. - But the Pole or a foreigner? - It’s a secret.


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