Wisla - Legia 1-1 (priceless draw for Legia)
26.04.2002 12:01
The top game in Polish League between Wisla and Legia in Crakow ended up with a draw which may turn out to be priceless for Legia Warsaw. Thanks to the point collected at Wisla's stadium Legia needs only 1 point to win a title! There are only 2 series to play and supporters in Warsaw are nearly sure that Legia will be the Champion. In Wendsday game Wisla was first team to score when in '2 minute Tomasz Frankowski took an advantego of a mistake of Legia's defence and Wisla was leading 1-0. However Legia was still playing good, ofence football and it resulted in Stanko Svitlica goal in '69 .There were no more goals on both side and game ended in a draw which made Legia Warsaw very close to the title.
Punktacja rankingu:
Za każdy nowy komentarz użytkownik dostaje 1 punkt. Jednak, gdy narusza on nasze zasady i zostanie dezaktywowany, użytkownik straci 2 punkty. W przypadku częstych naruszeń zastrzegamy sobie możliwość nakładania wyższych kar punktowych, a nawet tymczasowych i permanentnych banów.