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Zjawinski and Fabianski signed contracts

Jan Szurek


13.01.2005 14:13

(akt. 30.12.2018 02:21)

<b>Dariusz Zjawinski</b> and <b>Lukasz Fabianski</b> signed a five-year and a four-and-half-year contracts with Legia, respectively. Following the training camp in Cetniewo they should be joined by <b>Krzysztof Krol</b>. - Their appearance at Lazienkowska is not a coincidence – said <b>Jacek Bednarz</b>, presenting both players to the journalists and the club employees.
– We gradually realise the assumed strategy of the team development. We sign deals with talented players who will strengthen the team, even if not today, then certainly in future. - Both of them have already „tasted” the adult football playing in the senior teams. We think that their acquisition proves that it is possible to step up at a good and strong club at young age. – ended Bednarz. Piotr Zygo, the president of Legia added a few words as well. - We should look at a striker who fights for several positions in the first team and a goalie who competes for just one place in a different way. Fabianski was signed by Legia with full consciousness. We know that Artur Boruc will probably leave us in the upcoming 18 months as he has already turned to himself the attention of several recognised European clubs. Lukasz Fabianski should make good use of this time and prepare for the role of the main Legia goalkeeper. - As far as Dariusz Zjawinski is concerned – continued Zygo. – I am convinced that the we will see him on the Ekstraklasa football grounds already in the summer season. He will enter the team and constitute its added value. Although certainly everything depends on him – finished the president.


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