Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Zygo about the newcomers

Marcin Golebiewski

Źródło: Fakt

14.01.2005 14:17

(akt. 30.12.2018 02:14)

As we have already informed, yesterday, in the presence of media journalists, <b>Dariusz Zjawinski</b> and <b>Lukasz Fabianski</b> signed professional contracts with the Warsaw club. Below we present the comments of Legia’s president, <b>Piotr Zygo</b>, on the new and potential players.
Lukasz Fabianski (goalkeeper): We acquired him because Artur Boruc may leave the club within the upcoming 18 months. Lukasz should develop his skill over this period to successfully replace the current keeper. Dariusz Zjawinski (forwarder): We have observed him for a long time. Darek received great recommendations from his coaches. He confirmed his values in the training sessions. He’s ready to compete for the position in the first team. Krzysztof Krol (defender): Passed the preliminary selection procedure and we admit that he may be another reinforcement. We are going to finalise his transfer after the return from Cetniewo camp. Dimitrij Molosz (left wing defender): We decided to let him stay and do the pre-season with our team. Coach Zielinski wants too look closer at him in Cetniewo. But the tests may last longer. Anderson (midfielder): Didn’t pass the tests. Goes back home. Aleksandar Vukovic (midfielder): We will not reveal the details of negotiations, but everything seems that Vuko will join the team. Marcin Chmiest (forwarder): We are still interested in the acquisition of this player. We keep on negotiating with GKS Belchatow and the issue of his transfer is still open. Will he come only in June? We do not confirm.


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